Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Perfect Square

On September 27th, a wine and music festival titled Uncorked will be held in the Rockville Town Square between the hours of 12 to 6. 

 There will be a variety of musicians playing at the festival and cooking demonstrations. In addition, there will be wine tasting  from local wineries according to the website.  I do not have any main sources at this present time to cover the festival.

I am still gathering up a list of questions to ask, but in the meantime I will be researching about the local wineries, wines and looking up information about the musicians who will perform. 

One of my main objectives is to be able to talk with some of the musicians as well as the people of the local wineries.

(The image above is courtesy of Google)

1 comment:

Dr. Spaulding said...

Good story idea. I'd like to see some more specific preparation, though. If you have questions, be sure to let me know.